State of the World’s Volunteerism Report 2022 Concept Paper
This concept paper discusses the framing for the fourth edition of the State of the World’s Volunteerism Report (SWVR).
The report will explore the theme of volunteering and the 21st Century Social Contract. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic the SWVR will explore emerging models of volunteering, particularly those that provide opportunities for collaboration across society, and how these impacts the evolving roles and relationships of governments and people in the face of 21st century needs.
While policy frameworks recognise volunteerism’s role in development, the report seeks to generate much-needed evidence to further understand how emerging volunteer models could better contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Making new models of volunteering visible will provide insights into how social contracts for the ‘new era’ could fundamentally reorient approaches to people’s engagement and how volunteering could be central to achieving the SDGs moving forward.
Download the Concept Paper below