The Volunteer Circle
Lebanon continues to face many development challenges across the SDG spectrum, including worsening poverty and inequality, environmental issues related to urbanisation and large numbers of refugees fleeing conflict in neighbouring Syria. Through the TVC platform, anybody - online or on-site - is able to contribute their skills and experiences to tackle these diverse challenges. For example, during demonstrations in 2019-2020 TVC volunteers cooked, packaged, and distributed 3000 meals to ensure the most vulnerable citizens were fed (SDG 2), while in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 40 TVC volunteers developed the Corona Hotline Project with the Ministry of Health to support frontline healthcare workers (SDG 2). At the same time as providing essential services, volunteering through TVC has enabled people to develop new skills, expand networks and model positive behaviour changes (SDG 4). Schools that have subscribed to TVC have reported an increased extra-curricular commitment to community service amongst student volunteers, as well as enhanced motivation and well-being.
- The platform uses AI to make match volunteers with opportunities and create a “hyper-personalized” experience for volunteers. As a result, the platform has extended volunteering opportunities to new sections of the population – with over 62% of TVCs volunteers reporting that they have never volunteered before.
- To respond to crises the platform has a dedicated ‘Crisis Action Section’ to provide opportunities for people to volunteer in crisis responses. Through this function volunteers and volunteer initiatives have been able to rapidly connect and work together to respond to COVID-19 and the 2020 Beirut explosion.
- Website
- Social Media
- 2020 Annual report [coming soon]