Study on volunteering in Kosovo
Technical paper

Creating a more enabling environment for development of volunteering in Kosovo

Office of the Prime Minister (Kosovo)
Europe and Central Asia
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)

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The study provides an overview of the state of volunteering in Kosovo (Security Council Resolution 1244) and suggests policy initiatives to further promote volunteering. 


  • This study provides an overview of the current challenges and opportunities for the development of volunteerism in Kosovo. It has been prepared within the framework of the EU Technical Assistance project “Support to the implementation of Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society”, with the aim of assisting the government to adopt an integral normative approach to promoting and regulating volunteerism in Kosovo.  
  • The study consists of empirical research with the aim of gaining knowledge about volunteerism in Kosovo. By quantifying perceptions and experiences, and making sense of them in a qualitative form, the study tries to analyze how volunteering has emerged in Kosovo and to what extent it is regulated and promoted in practice.  

  • Data was collected through surveys conducted with respondents from public and civil society.  
  • The research findings and data analysis show that the main challenge with volunteering in Kosovo stems from the mismatch/gap between the aspirations of the public and needs and interests of civil society to commit to voluntary work. 
  • To overcome all the challenges concluded in this report, practical solutions and opportunities are offered, framed according to several recommendations dedicated to the state/government and civil society.