Analytical Report on the State of Volunteering in Kazakhstan 2022

Analytical Report on the State of Volunteering in Kazakhstan 2022

National Volunteer Network ALE SHOLUDKO T.E
Europe and Central Asia
State of the World’s Volunteerism

The project «Organization of a set of events in the fi eld of volunteering «Birgemiz: áreket ýaqyty» as a part of the implementation of the state task «Services for scientific and methodological support of state policy in the fi eld of social development», the NAO KIOR «Rukhani Zhangyru» has been implemented since 2020. The project program is accountable for organizing the activities of the national front offi ce of volunteers on the basis of the National Volunteer Network (NWS) and managing the work of regional front offices (RFO) predominantly on the basis of regional IDCs (except Almaty: the Community Trust of «League of Volunteers», Atyrau: KSU «Civic Center» Department of Internal Policy of Atyrau region», and Pavlodar: Public Fund «Birge»). The National Front Office coordinates and ensures interaction with the regions, including collecting and systematizing information on key volunteer events, drawing on statistical data «Volunteers in numbers» (every six months), monitoring volunteer activity in the regions with a monthly reflection of the results in an analytical report to the Creative report. Besides, for three years there has been a single information center on volunteering issues with the full support of applicants until the results are received. 

In 2021 and 2022, a summer school was organized for front-office leaders and leaders of volunteer organizations. Aside from that, the NVS continued information and content support of the activities of the Unifi ed Online Platform in the role of the National Front Office. The event-related data and information obtained during the implementation of the project
make it possible to form a comprehensive picture of the status of volunteerism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also appear as the basis for developing recommendations for improving the interaction of the public sector with the volunteer movement.

This report should be considered as a continuation of the analytical studies presented in the document «Analytical Report on Volunteering in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, according to the results of the work of the network of the volunteers’ front offices» of the National front office of volunteers BIRGEMIZ.