Human Development Index Ranking (UNDP, 2022)
Population (UNFPA, 2023)
10.4 milion

Volunteer statistics (ILO)*

Source: ILOSTATS. The data is collected by ILO from national statistical offices. As national statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools, direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, visit

No data

Measurement work

Data source

  • 2007
  • 2008
    • Time Use Survey
  • 2009
    • Time Use Survey
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

Laws, Policies, Schemes on Volunteering

Does the country have a piece of legislation on volunteering?


Law No. 828: IIIG: About voluntary activities

Year 2009
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Does the country have a national policy, scheme, plan or strategy specific to volunteering?

No data

Does the country have a sectoral and cross-sectoral policy, scheme, plan or strategy that mentions volunteering?


VNR Reporting

Voluntary National Review

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No mention No mention

Second Voluntary National Review

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Reporting positive contribution of volunteering to the SDGs

Paragraph 1, page 31

In order to raise awareness about the Republic Innovation Contest jointly announced by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the UN Office in Azerbaijan, awareness raising activities have been carried out in different academic institutions with the participation of young researchers, volunteers, teachers and students.

Paragraph 2, page 97

The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations started the “Green ASAN” initiative on 1 May 2015. The main purpose of the “Green ASAN” initiative is to raise the environmental awareness of youth and promote healthy lifestyle and environmental protection.[...] Volunteers were trained by experts. 454 environmental trainings were conducted by the team of the “Green ASAN” initiative.

No mention

Third Voluntary National Review 2021

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No mention No mention

The Fourth Voluntary National Review of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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Reporting positive contribution of volunteering to the SDGs

Reporting on volunteering connected to matters of gender equality, women's empowerment or similar

Paragraph 1, page 59

Integration of volunteerism into National Policies for 2030 Agenda on SDGs: The Government of Azerbaijan admits that the integration of volunteerism into national policies is a crucial strategy for directly referencing and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In that case, also Azerbaijan acknowledges that volunteerism plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainable development by mobilizing individuals and communities to actively participate in addressing local challenges and achieving SDG targets. By embedding volunteerism into national policies, governments can harness its potential to accelerate progress towards the SDGs across various sectors.

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Youth Policy designates youth volunteering as socially beneficial and non-profitable activities, reinforcing the definition established in the Law on Voluntary Activities. Moreover, it emphasizes the state’s responsibility to promote volunteering among young people. Notably, Article 5.5 introduces the concept of mutual assistance groups between young individuals in the risk group and volunteers, recognizing the importance of such support in “Youth House” social service institutions. 

In 2013, the Organization of ASAN Volunteers, volunteer organization under patronage of the State Agency for Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASAN Service), was established. Today, ASAN Volunteers have 36,000 volunteer members and for the las 10 years ASAN volunteers assisted 70 million citizens with provision and access to public services. By these, a new mechanism of volunteering in governmental organizations is formed. One of the main directions of volunteering program in “ASAN Service” Centers beyond the provision of public services is career development. To date, more than 3,300 young people have been provided with jobs through the ASAN Volunteers. (Contribution to SDG 10, 16) .

In 2019, President Ilham Aliyev called on all state organizations to involve volunteers in their activities. In a short period of time in 2019-2023 more than 30 government organizations started volunteering programs. This practice was also implemented in the majority of local executive power bodies. 

Due to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On approving the state standard and programs (curricula) of the general education level”, one of the values integrated in the competencies framework for students at the level of full secondary education is “he/she interprets his/her responsibility to the society, participates in social projects, engages in volunteer activities”. 


Paragraph 2, page 60

“Bir” student-volunteer program established by the Ministry of Science and Education in 2015 to systematize interactions with student-volunteers, stimulate volunteering activities, and ensure effective utilization of students’ leisure time is a good practice that helped to form volunteer groups in the majorstate universities and colleges. In 2023, Ministry of Science and Education and “Bir Volunteer” organization started “School Volunteers” program to form volunteer groups in secondary schools initially open to 8th-11th grade students in Baku, Sumgait and Ganja. 698 students participated in the interview stage of the program and 327 of them have been selected. Information sessions were carried out - in 11 schools for 1650 students. The purpose of the program is to form the profile of socially active and socially responsible school children and to inculcate the culture of volunteering in students. In addition to other activities, within the framework of the Program, the formation of career clubs within the school, as well as the organization of school language, sports, and art clubs for the effective organization of leisure time, and the leadership of these clubs by the schoolchildren themselves, are envisaged. (Contribution to SDG 4, 8).

Paragraph 3, page 60

Survey conducted by UNV in February 2024 to feed into VNR Azerbaijan 2024 Report gathered data from 16 volunteer organizations, 43,8% of which are non-governmental organizations, 31.3% - volunteer programs or groups of government institutions, and 24,9% have other organizational forms. Respondent volunteer organizations reported that they contributed to all 17 SDGs. Mainly, to the SDG 4: Quality Education (50% of respondents), SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (43,8%), SDG 15: Life on Land (37,5%), SDG 5: Gender Equality (31,3%), SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (31,3%). The survey showed that all respondent volunteer organizations target beneficiaries include youth. 50% of them targets also kids and adolescents. 31.3% of volunteer organizations targets elders. Also, 25% of respondent volunteer organizations targets groups such as refugees and IDP’s, persons living in poverty, persons with disabilities and care to animals. 75% of respondent volunteer organizations actively engaged in providing services to a person or a community and 50% of respondent organizations are involved in campaigning to create awareness and education on different issues. 


Paragraph 4, page 60

Subsection 3.1.3 of the Action Plan of the “I State Program on the Great Return to the territories liberated from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” implies the implementation of voluntary programs for internally displaced youth in liberated territories to facilitate the return of the population to their settlements and to encourage the participation of young people in this process. “Return Volunteers” program was formed with the support of the relevant special representations of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the territories liberated from occupation, Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, and the Union of Voluntary Organizations of Azerbaijan in order to implement the relevant subsection of the State Program. “Return Volunteers” Program was formed in order to contribute to the implementation of extensive construction and restoration works in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the program is to promote volunteering in the liberated territories, to support the volunteering of young people originally from those territories, to ensure the participation of volunteers in reconstruction and restoration works, and as a result, to contribute to the return of IDP young people to the liberated territories. Within the framework of the program “Agdam Volunteers”, “Shusha Volunteers”, and “Zangilan Volunteers” groups were formed in 2022. 2,302 IDP youths from those regions applied to the program and more than 100 from them was selected to be represented in volunteer groups. The initial basic trainings for volunteers were carried out, and their involvement in the organization of relevant events in the territories freed from occupation was ensured. Program is being implemented with the support of the relevant Special Representatives of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the liberated territories, Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, and the Union of Voluntary Organizations of Azerbaijan. (Contribution to SDG 16).

Paragraph 5, page 86

From the initial days of the catastrophic earthquake in Türkiye, Azerbaijan demonstrated its solidarity by promptly dispatching search and rescue teams, medical personnel, volunteers, and various humanitarian aid. Azerbaijan sent 940 rescuers, medical personnel, and volunteer teams, along with more than 5,300 tons of humanitarian cargo to the affected region. Notably, Azerbaijan led globally in the number of rescuers sent to Türkiye. Additionally, over $45 million was transferred from Azerbaijan to the accounts of AFAD and other humanitarian organizations operating in the earthquake zone. 

Paragraph 1, page 59

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Youth Policy designates youth volunteering as socially beneficial and non-profitable activities, reinforcing the definition established in the Law on Voluntary Activities. Moreover, it emphasizes the state’s responsibility to promote volunteering among young people. Notably, Article 5.5 introduces the concept of mutual assistance groups between young individuals in the risk group and volunteers, recognizing the importance of such support in “Youth House” social service institutions. 

UNSDCF Reporting

United Nations and Government of Azerbaijan - Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025

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Volunteering integrated into the narrative text of the UNSDCF

Paragraph 1, page 44

Platforms, such as the UN Global Compact, the SDG Civil Society Forum as well as international and national volunteer schemes and engagement mechanisms, will help attract new ideas, connections and/or implementing partners to accompany actions under each priority area, from design to measurement and reporting. 

Paragraph 2, page 49

These will take the shape of national public-private and civil society dialogue
platforms as well as volunteer groups bringing together policy, business and civil society
leaders, particularly among youth communities. 

Paragraph 3, page 51

Considering that universal access to these public services is already guaranteed
by law, the UNCT will support change(s) by identifying improved service delivery models,
volunteer mechanisms and establishing standard operating procedures and technical
skills for civil servants to target vulnerable groups. 

Paragraph 4, page 52

Finally, nongovernmental organizations will be invited to take the lead in setting up the dialogue agenda on public participation in decision-making and volunteerism for development, provide supplementary social services to vulnerable populations, as well as support to communities affected by conflict.

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