Volunteer statistics (ILO)*
Source: ILOSTATS. The data is collected by ILO from national statistical offices. As national statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools, direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, visit https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/volunteer-work/
No data
Measurement work
No data
Laws, Policies, Schemes on Volunteering
Does the country have a piece of legislation on volunteering?
Ley No. 6060 Regula el Voluntariado / Law No. 6060 to regulate volunteering
No data
Does the country have a national policy, scheme, plan or strategy specific to volunteering?
NoDoes the country have a sectoral and cross-sectoral policy, scheme, plan or strategy that mentions volunteering?
NoVNR Reporting
Informe Nacional Voluntario
View sourceSegundo Informe Nacional Voluntario Paraguay 2021
View sourceReporting positive contribution of volunteering to the SDGs
Paragraph 1, page 54
This is the reason why the World Wide Fund for Nature in Paraguay (WWF-Paraguay) and the SDG Commission Paraguay established a strategic partnership on 17 February 2020. They have since been working together on a work plan that will be based on three central components: (i) youth volunteering, which is key in joint strategies that support environmental preservation, diversity, and the fight against climate change; (ii) caring for forests; and (iii) supporting the dissemination and internalization of the SDGs, with emphasis on the goals directly related to the environment.
Paragraph 2, page 54
Pages 54-55
Create empowering spaces through youth volunteering, which is a key tool for the paradigm shift implied by the 2030 Agenda. Carry out joint activities that generate positive impact and raise environmental awareness among the public, with the collaboration and support of a network of volunteers that allows and encourages the involvement and empowerment of people in specific steps to care for the environment, such as Earth Hour and the expo of environmentally sustainable opportunities.
No mention