Volunteer statistics (ILO)*
Source: ILOSTATS. The data is collected by ILO from national statistical offices. As national statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools, direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, visit https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/volunteer-work/
No data
Measurement work
No data
Laws, Policies, Schemes on Volunteering
Does the country have a piece of legislation on volunteering?
No data
Does the country have a national policy, scheme, plan or strategy specific to volunteering?
No data
Does the country have a sectoral and cross-sectoral policy, scheme, plan or strategy that mentions volunteering?
Name of specific policy, strategy or plan on volunteering at the national level. | Year created | Source link | What are the relevant SDG areas/crosscutting themes of the policy, plan scheme or strategy? |
Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt Vision 2030 | 2018 | View source | |
Law 149 of 2019 regulating the work of civil society organizations | 2019 | View source | |
National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2030 | 2017 | View source | |
VNR Reporting
Egypt National Review Report
View sourceEgypt′s Voluntary National Review 2018
View sourceReporting positive contribution of volunteering to the SDGs
Paragraph 1, page 42
Other initiatives focus on preserving the Nile river, such as the volunteer-based “Very Nile” initiative established in 2018 to clean the Nile from solid waste while raising environmental awareness.
No mentionUNSDCF Reporting
United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - Arabic Republic of Egypt
View sourceVolunteering integrated into the narrative text of the UNSDCF
Volunteering integrated into the UNSDCF Results and Reporting Framework
Volunteering integrated in relation to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment
Paragraph 1, page 13
Civil Society partners, including CSOs and volunteer groups, will remain a key partner of the UN System. At the local level, this will enable more sustainable cooperation results and increased engagement leading to more resilient communities and local actors. The UN with the GoE will promote engagement of volunteers and volunteer groups to strengthen civic engagement.
Paragraph 2, page 24
Private sector involvement in the SDGs has focused so far on corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a slow transition observed to mainstreaming sustainability, while the potential of civil society and volunteers is yet to be fully harnessed. The VNR 2021 records several initiatives made by the GoE to enhance partnerships with these key stakeholders. Egypt Vision 2030 calls for increasing partnership between state and civil society (including volunteer organizations).
Paragraph 3, page 32
The pre-eminent GoE flagship initiative of Hayah Karima (Decent Life), which targets approximately 5,000 villages (representing around 50% of the population), is expected to super-charge progress towards a broad array of SDGs in the villages (including SDG 10 by addressing some of the key domains of urban-rural inequality). The initiative with significant engagement of volunteers and volunteer involving organizations, offers targeted support to the poorest villages enhancing quality of life by revamping infrastructure (SDG 9), improving access to basic services (SDGs 1, 6, 7), promoting education (SDG 4) and health care services (SDG 3), offering decent employment (SDG 8), and empowering women (SDG 5).
Paragraph 4, page 43
Outcome 1: By 2027, strengthened human capital through equal access to quality services, social protection and social justice ensured for all people. This outcome is designed considering the GoE priorities to ‘Develop and invest in human capital’ (with a focus to enhance the educational system, ensure universal health coverage provision of comprehensive health care system, improve access to volunteering and civic engagement opportunities, strengthen physical activity for youth), and ‘Improving the standard of living of the Egyptian citizens’ (with an aim to improve housing services, enhance public utilities and social protection for all including older persons and persons with disabilities) as mentioned in the GAP 2023-2027.
Paragraph 5, page 44
Social determinants of health and risk factors to diseases will be addressed by increasing community awareness engagement and volunteering while advocating for legislations that protect the health of citizens and correspond with emerging health challenges, including population growth and climate shocks.
Paragraph 6, page 46
More people, including those who are in vulnerable situations, formal, informal and irregular workers adequately benefit throughout their lifecycle from national social protection development interventions and volunteering programmes, which are equitable, accessible, efficient, people centred, child-sensitive, data driven, digitally enabled, secure, resilient, respecting human rights and gender-sensitive.
Paragraph 7, page 47
The UN will also partner with the GoE in addressing social protection needs for older persons and expanding opportunities to volunteering and civic engagement. /…/ Moreover, the UN will work closely with the GoE to enhance the social protection systems and national volunteering initiatives to become more resilient for future shocks taking into consideration climate change induced- challenges.
Paragraph 8, page 48
The UN will capitalize on its strong positioning and long-standing partnership with the GoE to improve equitable access to sustainable, adequate and quality services for all. In close coordination with MoIC as the cochair of the Joint Steering Committee, this will include the Ministries of Health and Population, /…/, as well as volunteer involving organizations.
Paragraph 9, page 50
The UN will support the GoE to encourage conducive policy environments and opportunities for people to access national volunteering programmes, which will help in the transition of youth from education to employment, provide access to training and job-related skills, and strengthen their abilities, experience, confidence and connections.
Paragraph 10, page 51
Finally, the UN will cooperate with the GoE and private sector partners to increase the provision of transferable skills and skills for employability through formal and non-formal education platforms, youth volunteer programmes, and transition to decent work, in particular for people in vulnerable situations- including through youth centres.
Paragraph 11, page 53
With regard to institutions, the focus will be on enhancing the capacity of government institutions to offer higher quality services to boost the performance of businesses, with a focus on SMEs; and increase outreach and availability of business support services (financial and non-financial) to isolated and rural regions and reduce regional and geographical disparities in accessing such services, including through corporate volunteering programmes. /…/ Civil society, volunteers involving organisations, including employers’ association, trade unions and workers’ associations, chambers of commerce, academic and research institutes and think‐tanks, and people at risk of being left behind, as jointly agreed by the GoE and the UN, will also be engaged to inform and contribute to interventions as well as to promote social accountability.
Paragraph 12, page 57
The UN will also advocate for engagement and capacity strengthening of volunteer especially community volunteers for building resilience to climate change risks and shocks. /…/ Another potential area of jobs creation in environmentally sustainable sectors is through the mainstreaming of eco-tourism, enhancement of sustainable cities, partnering with civil society actors and volunteer, and in compliance with multilateral environmental agreements, and in accordance with national priorities.
Paragraph 13, page 58
The UN will also seek to engage in collaborative partnerships including those with civil society actors including volunteers to enhance coherence in the development and implementation of activities that mobilize and scale-up climate actions.
Paragraph 14, page 63
Regarding migration-related interventions, the UN will partner with GoE, volunteer involving organizations, and other stakeholders to identify and consolidate cross-sector migration data and evidence-based information to document and promote migration-related SDG achievements.
Paragraph 15, page 82
The supportive and complementary role of national and international civil society organizations in delivering health, education, and social protection services, in outreach and advocacy efforts, and in promoting volunteerism will be instrumental in order for the Cooperation Framework to reach those that are at risk of being left behind and to ensure that their voices are heard and reflected, as noted in the National Strategy for Human Rights.
Paragraph 1, page 104
Output Indicator 1.13 % of people volunteering in Egypt (disaggregated by formal and informal volunteering). /…/ Data Source: UNV State of World Volunteerism Report.
Paragraph 2, page 105
Output 1.4: More people, including those who are in vulnerable situations, formal, informal and irregular workers adequately benefit throughout their lifecycle from national social protection development interventions and volunteering programmes which are equitable, accessible, efficient, people centred, child-sensitive, data driven, digitally enabled, secure and resilient, respecting human rights and gender-sensitive.
Paragraph 3, page 110
Indicator 2.12 Percentage of technical and vocational institutions based on partnerships with volunteer involving organizations and civil society (SDS 2030 Indicator).