Region/Country map
Arab States
Total Population (2024)
482 million

Volunteer statistics (ILO)*

Source: ILOSTATS. The data is collected by ILO from national statistical offices. As national statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools, direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, visit


Total volunteering by type

Total volunteering by age group

Total volunteering by gender

Direct/Informal volunteering by gender

Organization-based/Formal volunteering by gender

Measurement work

6 countries have measured volunteer work at least once since 2007.
The data in this section is collected by the International Labour Organization from national statistics offices. National statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools. Direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, see the ILO website

Data sources

  • Time Use Survey
  • Other

Measurement per year


Laws, policies and schemes

7 countries have a piece of legislation relevant to volunteering.
National laws on volunteering provide a framework for volunteer arrangements See the definition here.

National policies, schemes, plans and strategies specific to volunteering

National laws on volunteering provide a framework for volunteer arrangements. See the definition here

National policies, schemes, plans and strategies specific to volunteering tagged according to SDGs

1 SDG 1 symbol
2 SDG 2 symbol
4 SDG 4 symbol
8 SDG 8 symbol
17 SDG 17 symbol

Number of countries with policies, schemes, strategies and plans specific to volunteering


This pie chart shows that 34.9% of the policies belong to 68 countries and 65.1% to 127 countries.

Number of countries with policies, schemes, strategies and plans specific to volunteeringNumber of countries with NO DATA

National sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, plans, schemes and strategies that mention volunteering

A wide range of sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and schemes can impact on volunteering in a particular context. See the definitionhere

Sectors covered by national policies, plans, schemes and strategies that mention volunteering

Health symbol
Participation symbol
Community development symbol
Development symbol
Disaster management symbol
Education symbol
Environmental protection symbol
Peace and security symbol
Youth symbol
SDGs symbol

Number of countries with national sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, plans, schemes and strategies that mention volunteering

Countries with national cross-sectoral policies, plans, schemes and strategies that mention volunteeringNumber of countries with NO DATA

VNR reporting

In 2024, 1/5 countries have mentioned volunteering in their Voluntary National Reviews on their SDG progress.

Mentions of volunteering related to specific SDGs

4 SDG 4 symbol
3 SDG 3 symbol
11 SDG 11 symbol
1 SDG 1 symbol
2 SDG 2 symbol
5 SDG 5 symbol
8 SDG 8 symbol
9 SDG 9 symbol
10 SDG 10 symbol
13 SDG 13 symbol
14 SDG 14 symbol
15 SDG 15 symbol
16 SDG 16 symbol
17 SDG 17 symbol

Annual VNRs that mention volunteering