Volunteer statistics (ILO)*
Source: ILOSTATS. The data is collected by ILO from national statistical offices. As national statistics on volunteer work are produced using a variety of approaches and tools, direct and cross-country comparisons are not recommended. For more information, visit https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/volunteer-work/
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Measurement work
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Laws, Policies, Schemes on Volunteering
Does the country have a piece of legislation on volunteering?
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Does the country have a national policy, scheme, plan or strategy specific to volunteering?
No data
Does the country have a sectoral and cross-sectoral policy, scheme, plan or strategy that mentions volunteering?
No data
VNR Reporting
Voluntary National Review – Main Messages
View sourceVoluntary National Review Barbados 2023
View sourceReporting positive contribution of volunteering to the SDGs
Paragraph 1, page 149
Clean Up Barbados - This project is undertaken annually by the Future Centre Trust and aims to address waste management and promote proper waste disposal practices in Barbados. The Future Centre Trust coordinates volunteers and organizes cleanup events in different locations around the island. In recent years, the project has gained momentum, with a large number of first-time volunteers joining the cleanup efforts. The project focuses on raising awareness about waste management and directly advances several SDG themes including promoting sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, underwater conservation and maintaining terrestrial ecosystems. The project also has positive social impacts as community members participate in the event and are able to see tangible benefits reflected in clean and aesthetically pleasing surroundings. The 2023 Clean Up Barbados project involved forty-three (43) groups that cleaned twenty-six (26) locations on the island, including beaches, illegal dump sites, inland and underwater areas. A total of forty-six thousand, six hundred and eight (46,608) pounds of garbage was collected by One thousand, two hundred and twelve (1,212) volunteers from various sites including schools, government agencies, churches and the private sector.
Paragraph 2, page 182
CORALL Barbados - The CORALL is a local NGO, established in 2016, which aims to ‘foster the Conservation and Restoration of Coral Reef Ecosystems in Barbados for the well-being of all.” This organisation has a monitoring, education and volunteering component and is currently engaged in coral regeneration and education and awareness. CORALL installed a successful Staghorn Coral Nursery at Vauxhall Reef within the recreational area of the marine reserve. The next phase of this project will be the identification of sites to plant growing fragments. This NGO has identified as a project for 2023, the development of a Nature Interpretive Area within the Folkestone Marine Reserve. Additionally, CORALL will continue to practice their ‘Ridge to Reef’ approach by participating in events and activities that are aimed towards increasing awareness of coral reefs among members of the public, and on building effective partnerships.
Paragraph 3, page 203
The Community Pillars Mentorship Programme - The Community Pillars Mentorship Programme seeks to facilitate the grounding of today’s youth to be the pillars of tomorrow’s society. The objectives of the programme include: to monitor and promote the prosocial development of individuals with associated risk factors for criminogenic behaviour; to assist/guide individuals into education, training and employment opportunities; to encourage the adoption of safe, more socially acceptable and more economically; productive lifestyles; by extension reduce social costs related to unemployment, physical and mental health deficits, domestic instability and criminality; to reduce conflict with family members, teachers and other authority figures; to reduce conflict with peers; and to enable community leaders and citizens to engage with and become involved in solving a range of social problems through volunteerism.
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